Looking for Lotta in a scavenger hunt!

“Know History” team finds Lotta on Sparks Street

This morning, I received a remarkable “Lotta story” from Friederike Knabe concerning a Sept 10 event in the city of Ottawa, where a record was set for the world’s largest scavenger hunt:

Yesterday morning the city was buzzing with scavenger hunting teams. On the buses they dropped in and out in search for the next sight, action, or more that they had to capture in a photograph with their team number.

One energetic group on the bus looked at various options for their next stop. One read out to find an image of Lotta Hitschmanova somewhere downtown.

Of course I heard that and told them that she was the founder of the organization that I had worked for (USC Canada). They were totally surprised and attentive.

So I told them a bit more and where they could find her image… “WOW, Cool,” they said, and off they went to 56 Sparks Street.

I contacted the organizers of the Scavenger Hunt, and they told me that indeed Item #138 on their list was this: “A picture with a teammate with Lotta Hitschmanova.”

Many scavenger teams posted photos (#find150) standing alongside Lotta’s plaque outside the address she made so famous, including the team pictured above from “Know History.”

Looking forward to the next scavenger hunt that takes people to historic 56 Sparks.

David Rain


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