Sharing a Lotta story: “Immigrants make the best Canadians”

A special note from Peter Lockyer, producer of Lotta’s documentary, Soldier of Peace:

“I think it’s a wonderful site and thanks so much for thinking of me and the documentary program we did on Lotta Hitschmanova of the USC so many years ago.

“Lotta was an amazing individual and there will never be another person like her. Continue reading

Launching — Happy Birthday Lotta! Though you won’t be printed on our $100 bills, you will always be etched in our hearts.


Welcome to the launching of – on this, the 107th anniversary of one of Canada’s most beloved humanitarians!

Though Dr. Lotta did not make it onto the Bank of Canada’s short list of five women banknote candidates, there is still much cause for celebration, and indeed for reflection on the lasting impact that she has had on our Canadian society. Continue reading